Pro Click Exchange - The History
Pro Click Exchange was originally launched in late 2003 as a PRO only traffic exchange, meaning a fee was required to join. Since that time it has had 2 other owners before now. Current owner, Ray White took over the reins in late 2007. Until late 2009 it remained a PRO only exchange.
Pro only exchanges had advantages over other TE's in that all members were guaranteed to have a PayPal account and willing to use it by joining a paid only traffic exchange. You were also more likely to see professional advertising and better results from your own advertising.
True professionals know the best use for a traffic exchange. They follow the terms of service, build splash pages, lead capture pages, offer free reports, build their list and brand their name, logo, and photo with diligence and determination.
Times change, competition dictated that PCE update its script and become more competitive in the traffic exchange world or fade away into the night.
The New Pro Click Exchange script and design were created with the same mindset, getting results. Yet, now free to join. PCE is scripted to bring back the true value of what a traffic exchange is designed to do, generate traffic, leads, signups, and sales. No details have been left unexplored, down to the unique color and layout desgin. Pleasant for the eyes, easy naviagtion and maximum exposure for your advertising.
Due to the fierce competition many traffic exchanges have resorted to all types of games, jackpots, surf for cash, chat areas, team surfing, and the list continues. All of which attract the wrong type membership and distract the quality members from their main goal. Advertising results and sales. An opinion.
What is a Traffic Exchange?
A traffic exchange is defined as a membership site where members agree to exchange views of their sites. You view my sites, in exchange I view yours.
The purposes for using a traffic exchange are to brand yourself, make yourself known, build your subscriber lists and customer base to create sales and signups. Building your reputation and business go hand in hand.
Fast loading splash pages, lead capture pages, your name and photo on each page are the preferred method of advertising in traffic exchanges. Being different and unique bring attention to your pages which should be your main goal. Due to quick surf timers you only have a few seconds to attract attention.
My Vision?
My vision and purpose for re-creating Pro Click Exchange was to offer Free memberships while maintaining the professionalism of a PRO only exchange.
We have the bells and whistles to compete with any exchange online. We have the option to offer cash prizes, surf bonuses, games, prizes and we will at the proper time and for the right reasons.
Quality traffic exchanges are not built to attract the blind surfer who surfs for pennies, nickels and dimes as their source of income. It is built to advertise your sites, reward you with prizes that enhance and improve your advertising results. It boils down to pennies for surfing or subscribers and buyers for your products. Which would you prefer? Build your business or surf for pennies?
If you're looking for results, want to build your business, be rewarded for doing your normal daily advertising, then Pro Click Exchange deserves your attention.

for Success!

Ray White Owner/Admin
P.S. Not quite sure yet, read our page for more info.