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PRO Click Exchange is
Under New Ownership

New Owner - Ray White
As of December 1st, 2007

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ProTrackerPlus - All you want in a Tracker... Plus the Training You Deserve

"Learn How To Get Thousands Of Pre-Qualified
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Partial List of PRO Click Exchange Benefits

50 credits instantly
10% of your referrals' activity
2:1 surf ratio Referral bonuses
10-second timer No Pop-Ups - No AUTO Playing Audio

Pro Click Exchange!

What is a "Pro Click exchange?" The Pro-only (Paid) exchange works very much like a free one except that ALL the members are pre-qualified buyers and actually have money to spend online.

Not only do they have the money to spend, they've proven they're willing to spend by investing in a Valuable PRO Click Exchange membership.

With PRO Click Exchange you KNOW your website is being viewed by people who are highly interested in what you have to offer. Why? Because they've already PAID to see your site. And that makes them your most sought-after group of individuals... pre-qualified buyers!

PRO Clicker...

What it boils down to is this. The fact that someone has paid to be a member of PRO Click Exchange means they are automatically qualified as a serious click thru marketer.

Don't waste another minute. Join PRO Click Exchange and start promoting to other serious click thru marketers today It's definitely the one investment you'll be more than happy you made!

Join PRO Click Exchange Today!

Click for Success!

Ray White Owner/Admin

P.S. Not quite sure yet, read our FAQS page for more info.

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*A Division of - 7705 Linkside St - San Antonio, TX 78240

Phone: 210-681-1766 - -